
Showing posts from February, 2022

What You Need To Know About Laser Tattoo Removal In 2022

NEW BRAUNFELS, TEXAS, UNITED STATES, February 14, 2022 / / -- Sometimes people get tattoos that seem like a good idea at the time, but later on, they no longer love them as much as they used to.  Laser tattoo removal may be the perfect solution  for those contemplating getting rid of their tattoo or having any regrets about an old tattoo. This procedure uses laser energy to break down the ink in their tattoo, which is then absorbed by their body and eliminated. This blog post will go over everything people need to know about laser tattoo removal, from what it is to how it works to what patients can expect during and after their treatment. What is Laser Tattoo Removal, and How Does it Work? Laser tattoo removal uses a Q-switched laser to break down the ink particles in the patients’ skin. The light from these lasers is absorbed by pigment or color in the skin, breaking it into tiny fragments. These ink fragments are then eliminated through their body’s natural ...

What Is Body Sculpting?

Body Sculpting is a type of procedure that helps people get rid of excess fat and sculpt their bodies. This can be especially helpful for those who are looking to lose weight but don't have time for dieting or exercise. This blog post will go over what body sculpting is, why it's important, how it works, who performs the procedure and when results will come from it. 1. Why Should Someone Consider Body Sculpting? Since working out and dieting take up a lot of time during someone’s day (especially if they have a busy lifestyle), body sculpting can be the answer to getting rid of fat in an efficient way. Body Sculpting specialists can help you achieve the body you've always wanted in just a few short treatments. 2. How Does the Procedure Work? The body sculpting procedure works by using a machine to help break down the fat cells in your body. This can help reduce the appearance of cellulite and give those who receive the treatment a more sculpted figure. The procedure is relat...

Wellness Injections by Newman & Co

Ready to feel good, look good, and have more energy? Then it is time to get wellness injections! Companies like Newman &. Co. offers a variety of injection treatments that are designed to improve the health of individuals in different ways. Whether someone is looking for weight loss or skin rejuvenation, there is a treatment for you! What are the types of wellness injections? B12 B12 is a vitamin that is known for its energy-boosting properties. It can help to jump-start metabolism and get someone on the path to weight loss. B12 is also essential for healthy hair, skin, and nails, so it is a great all-around vitamin to boost general wellness. When B12 is used, one will start to feel more energized and they will notice significant nail growth. Biotin If someone wants to improve the strength and growth of their hair, skin, and nails then Biotin is what they need. This vitamin can help with biological processes that keep these areas in good condition by supplying them with the buildin...

Newman & Co: What is Sclerotherapy?

Sclerotherapy is a treatment for spider and varicose veins, caused by disease of the vein wall. The word comes from "sclero," meaning hardening or thickening, and "therapeia," which means healing. It works by injecting sclerosing agents into the affected area to cause scar tissue to develop in the lining of the vein that blocks blood flow, causing it to shrink and disappear. Sclerotherapy injections can be done at a doctor's office on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia; one will need someone else with them during this procedure due to its length (about 30 minutes). To start off with the basics, this blog will go over what exactly Sclerotherapy is! 1. What Is Sclerotherapy and How Does It Work? Sclerotherapy is a type of minimally invasive procedure designed to treat spider and varicose veins. Sclerotherapy is a method of treating small blood vessels, usually on the face or legs, by injecting them with a sclerosant solution that causes scarring in the vess...

All About Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are a powerful tool to help rejuvenate your skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and more. Chemical peels are a quick treatment performed in a Med Spa setting and typically don’t require any type of sedation. Let’s discuss how chemical peel treatments work, what you need to know before getting one done and how much they cost! What is a chemical peel? Chemical peels are used to improve the texture and color of your skin by removing a thin layer of skin. The process of a chemical peel starts with applying a chemical solution to the skin. In some peels, the solution is neutralized and then removed, while other peels require the solution to stay on for a longer period of time. Over the course of the week following a Chemical Peel, the top layer of damaged cells is sloughed off, which allows new beautiful skin to appear! What can they treat? Chemical peels have been shown to reduce fine lines and improve uneven skin tone, reducing acne scars and ...